The Most Effective Non-Invasive Double Chin Removal Treatments in Singapore

People assume that double chins are caused primarily by being overweight. While it’s true, having a double chin does not necessarily mean being overweight. There are other significant variables that can include a person’s genetics or getting looser skin as they get old.

What Exactly Is A Double Chin?

A double chin, also called “submental fat,” is a condition in which a layer of fat grows underneath the chin. If you suffer from this aesthetic problem, you may believe it makes you appear larger and more unattractive. Many individuals have this illness, and a lot of them wish to remove it despite the fact that it offers no health hazards. Let us see what you could do about it.

A double chin is produced by an accumulation of fat behind the chin. A double chin is caused by a combination of variables in the body. Knowing these factors may help in determining how to eliminate your double chin.

Age – As we get old, the skin loses elasticity, resulting in saggy or extra skin, which contributes to having a double chin.

Weight and Diet – An poor lifestyle could also cause saggy skin, which could add to having a double chin.

Genetics – Sadly, genetics has a big role in the structural creation of the chin, as the gene pool determines your proclivity to acquire and retain submental fat.

Poor posture could weaken your muscles of the chin and neck, and once muscles aren’t exercised, the skin around it loses suppleness.

Non-Surgical Treatment Method for Removal of Double Chin in Singapore


(HIFU) High-intensity focused ultrasound is a groundbreaking procedure that allows clients to achieve the results of a double chin excision without undergoing surgery. HIFU uses precise ultrasonic energy beams to tighten the connective tissues of the skin, lifting it. Heat and stimulation of existing collagen fibers causing them to thicken, leading to a long-term lifting and tightening effect. HIFU procedure is also useful for anti-aging. Collagen production slows as we get old, and the elastic fibers of the skin get less dense. The HIFU therapy increases collagen formation, and by promoting dermal collagen synthesis, you could get a younger look.

This double chin removal treatment also tightens your skin while likewise melting fat. As a result, it’s ideal for smoothing out drooping cheeks, laugh lines, droopy jowls, crow’s feet, forehead lines, and eye bags.

HIFU could help you achieve a smaller, tighter, sharper, and more defined facial shape, and a narrower jawline. This procedure is appropriate for people of all ages and types of skin.

Aesthetic clinics in Singapore have revolutionized the traditional concept of HIFU by providing exceptionally excellent long-term results with no surgery because of the absence of downtime and pain.

Chin Fillers Enhancement

This is another procedure that could help to minimize the visual indications of aging due to volume loss. The jaw and chin area is another notable location for skin aging as we get old. Saggy skin underneath the chin leads to the appearance of a double chin. It’s caused by noticeable loose hanging skin on the neck or chin. Because fillers have a substance known as Hyaluronic Acid, placing them in the jaw or chin area could give volume to your facial tissues by promoting collagen synthesis and assisting in the delivery of moisture to your skin, plumping your face.


Ultherapy is among the most effective double chin removal procedures for chin lifts. This method employs a device to send safe levels of ultrasonic radiation into the skin’s Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS) layer. SMAS is the skin area where old skin cells get replaced by new cells without affecting the skin’s surface. This causes the natural healing process of the body to restore the skin using its collagen. It also heats the tissues and muscles, causing skin lifting and tightening. As a result, the appearance of drooping skin is improved.